Tag Archives: Google Workspace
Technology’s role in complex district decisions: An event recap
Information and educational technology have played a large role in education for some time now, but last year brought to light how much technology there is in schools from behind the scenes to what’s in the hands of stakeholders. During this time, my Education Strategist colleagues and I noticed as more technology was being implemented, […]
Security update for files countdown, the clock is ticking…
Earlier this year, Google announced a security update to Google Drive to make file sharing more secure. In 2018, Google updated its address-generation scheme making documents less prone to URL-guessing attacks. That update did not address file links created before the new scheme existed. The current Drive sharing update addresses files created with the legacy […]
How to salvage students’ YouTube and Blogger files after the NEW age-based settings changes with Google Takeout
As part of their Safer learning with Google for Education initiative, Google announced earlier this year that, starting September 1, 2021, certain services will now require users to be 18 years of age or older. You can find our in-depth look at the impact of the changes and even view a video in which our […]
Anywhere School recap: Updates worth noting
If you’d to review the slide deck of information, you can access it here: https://bit.ly/collabcornerjuly21
Storage Solutions with Gopher for Drive: A Customer Spotlight
It is well-known that, in July 2022, Google Workspace for Education will be imposing limitations on storage. As institutions adapt to these changes, school leaders are seeking tools to assist in monitoring and mitigating their domain’s past, present, and future storage usage for the continued success of their administrators, teachers, and students. Committed to empowering […]
4 Ways to Use Google Voice for Post-Pandemic Communication at your Institution
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, administrators, teachers, and students were forced to leave school buildings behind. Without access to their stationary phone system, it was challenging to stay connected via anything other than email. Even with Google Workspace for Education’s Gmail service, communication became a concern because of situations that required a more active response […]