In this Collaborative Corner, we review key Google and Chrome updates from 2021 and discuss the impact they have on and the necessary actions to take for your Google environment. Covered in this video are updates for the Admin console, additional services, Chrome, Meet, Classroom, and Drive.

This is not a complete list or a “top 15” list of updates but rather a list of changes from last year that are exciting to Google Admins and will have a continued impact in 2022. My hope is to provide this content in a clear and concise manner while still addressing why this is important. Wish me luck and here we go!

Updates covered in the video:

Admin Console

Additional Services


Meet & Classroom


Last year we discussed over 400 Google and Chrome changes in the Google Technical Collaborative. Whether it was on one of our 31 live streams, live watch parties, or on the online forum. That’s a lot of Google change talk! And one big change our own Collaborative had last year was a switch to a new, robust online community platform! Next month I’ll be talking about how this new platform is providing members with a space to learn and share with other Google Admins in between our monthly streams and how it enables them to access content resources that are important to their Google Workspace.

  • Melissa Benson
    Google for Education Technical Collaborative Lead

  • About the Author:

    Melissa has been a Google Workspace for Education Consultant for Amplified IT since 2015. She began working with the Google for Education (GFE) Admin console in 2008 where she helped implement and integrate Google Workspace and Chromebooks into multiple K-12 school districts. Now, as part of the Amplified IT Team, she continues to help schools set up and manage Google Workspace environments with educational best practices with an emphasis on facilitating the North American Google Technical Collaborative.